International Islam Universiti Malaysia (IIUM) be a place to held an International Academic Forum for Doctoral Program (S3) Postgraduate Students

Thursday, September 14th, 2023, Doctoral Program (S3) Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung held an International Academic Forum at Universiti Malaysia Islamic International Academic Forum in Selangor, Malaysia. Arrived at 02.30 p.m Malaysia time at the International Islam Universiti Malaysia (IIUM) and were accepted by IIUM Deputy Dean (Academic & Internationalization), Asst. Prof. Dr. Noor Amali Mohd Daud. This activity was held in the IIUM Auditorium and was attended by 44 participants, 34 students, 10 lecturers and accompanying staff. The agenda began with a welcoming speech from the Deputy Dean (Academic & Internationalization) IIUM and also a speech from the Postgraduate Director of UIN Raden Intan Lampung. The agenda continued with an introduction to the IIUM Gombak campus by Ass Prof CPS IIUM and sharing session between IIUM and Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung. The agenda is closed with the signing of the MoU and MoA, handing over souvenirs and group photos with IIUM staff and the team of Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung. Besides from the agenda at the IIUM Auditorium, Postgraduate’s team are also scheduled to visit the IIUM Library and Research Management Room. Each study program is given a companion according to their respective field of science to tour the library. (TWI)

International Academic Forum of Doctoral Program (S3) Postgraduate Students was held in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)

Doctoral Program (S3) Islamic Community Development (PMI) and Islamic Education Management (MPI) departed for the Islamic University of Science Malaysia (USIM) in the framework of International Academic Forum between Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung and the Islamic Science University of Malaysia, Thursday, September 14th, 2023 . Arrived at 10 a.m at the Islamic University of Science Malaysia (USIM) and were accepted by Dr. Fauzia Hasan Huzaifah Bin Shaik Hussain as Director Office of USIM, Malaysia. This activity was attended by 32 participants, 25 students and 7 lecturers and accompanying staff. This activity was filled with a welcoming speech by Dr. Fauzia Hasan Huzaifah Bin Shaik Hussain and continued with presentation about the Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM), followed by a sharing session between these two educational institutions and closed with the handing over of souvenirs and photo session in the Bangunan Canselor of the Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM), Malaysia. (TWI)

Doctoral Program (S3) Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung held an International Academic Forum at Muhammadiyah Islamic College, Singapore.

Wednesday, September 13th, 2023, Doctoral Program (S3) in Family Law (HK), Islamic Education Management (MPI), and Islamic Community Development (PMI) Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung held an International Academic Forum at Muhammadiyah Islamic College, Singapore. Postgraduate’s team arrived at 4 Singapore time at the Muhammadiyah Islamic College. This activity was attended by 52 participants, 10 lecturers and accompanying staff, 42 students from Doctoral Program (S3) Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung. The team were accepted by Ust Shaik Huzaifah Bin Shaik Hussain as President of the Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore. The agenda was filled with a welcoming speech by Ust Shaik Huzaifah Bin Shaik Hussain and continued with a presentation given by Ust Shaik Huzaifah Bin Shaik Hussain as as speakers regarding Islam and the Development of Islamic Education in Singapore. Then it continued with a question and answer session and also discussion. The event ended with the signing of the MoU and MoA between Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung and Doctoral Program (S3) of Postgraduate with Muhammadiyah Islamic College Singapore as well as a photo session in front of the Muhammadiyah Islamic College building, Singapore. (TWI)

Expanding Knowledge, Family Law Doctoral Program (S3) Held an International Academic Forum at Musawah, Kuala Lumpur

Friday, September 15th, 2023 Family Law Doctoral Program (S3) of Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan lampung visited Musawah in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The purpose of this visit is to hold an International Academic Forum with Musawah. This activity was attended by nine students, Prof. Dr. Hj. Siti Mahamudah, M.Ag as Head of the Family Law Doctoral Program, Dr. Hj. Linda Firdawaty, M.H as Secretary of the Family Law Doctoral Program and one staff member as companion for this activity. Zharin Zhafrael as the Executive Director of Musawah warmly welcomed the arrival of the members of Family Law Doctoral Program to Musawah. There were several series of events held at Musawah, starting with a welcoming speech from Zharin as the host. Next, Prof. Dr. Hj. Siti Mahmudah as a representative from the Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung explained the purpose of her visit. “Musawah is an organization that promotes justice and gender equality in the family. Musawah has many connections with the same vision or goal from various countries, one of which is Indonesia.” said Zharin Followed by a sharing session in the form of an article presentation by Family Law (S3) students. Each student is given the opportunity to present articles that will be featured in their dissertation using English. After being presented, the issues they raise in the article will be discussed together with the Musawah team. This form of presentation or discussion makes each party aware of developments surrounding Family Law in Indonesia and Malaysia. This event ended with a group photo with the Executive Director and the Musawah team. (TWI)

Family Law Doctoral Program (S3) Carries out an International Academic Forum at Sisters in Islam (SIS), Malaysia

Family Law Doctoral Program (S3) of Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung carries out an International Field Competency Strengthening (PKL) in several countries, one of which is Malaysia. One of the places visited was Sisters in Islam (SIS), Selangor, Malaysia. This activity was attended by 12 people consisting of nine students, two lecturers and one staff. The purpose of coming to Sisters in Islam (SIS) is as an International Academic Forum for students and lecturers to share issues that exist in Indonesia and Malaysia. Our arrival was welcomed directly by Rozana Isa as Executive Director of Sisters in Islam (SIS). This activity began with self-introductions from each party, both from the Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung and Sisters in Islam (SIS). This was followed by a sharing session which was started by Rozana Isa, Huda, and Azareena as speakers from Sisters in Islam (SIS) by providing a brief explanation about the background to the establishment of SIS in Malaysia, studies that had been carried out by SIS, the development of Family Law in Indonesia and Malaysia. Besides that, they have a project to help the rights of Muslim women, especially in Malaysia, starting from problem analysis to resolution. The conclusion from the sharing session that has been discussed is that the implementation of Islamic family law in Indonesia is apparently more advanced and more protective of women’s rights compared to Malaysia. (twi)