International Academic Forum of Doctoral Program (S3) Postgraduate Students was held in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)

Doctoral Program (S3) Islamic Community Development (PMI) and Islamic Education Management (MPI) departed for the Islamic University of Science Malaysia (USIM) in the framework of International Academic Forum between Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung and the Islamic Science University of Malaysia, Thursday, September 14th, 2023 .

Arrived at 10 a.m at the Islamic University of Science Malaysia (USIM) and were accepted by Dr. Fauzia Hasan Huzaifah Bin Shaik Hussain as Director Office of USIM, Malaysia. This activity was attended by 32 participants, 25 students and 7 lecturers and accompanying staff.

This activity was filled with a welcoming speech by Dr. Fauzia Hasan Huzaifah Bin Shaik Hussain and continued with presentation about the Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM), followed by a sharing session between these two educational institutions and closed with the handing over of souvenirs and photo session in the Bangunan Canselor of the Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM), Malaysia. (TWI)