Strengthening the Competence of Education, Islamic Education Management Goes to NIE Singapore

Singapore, Monday, July 22nd, 2024 Islamic Education Management Master Program (S2) of Postgraduate Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung visited National Institute of Education, Singapore. The purpose of this visit is to do a Research Collaboration, Student Affairs And Upskill Part-Time Courses. The theme of this event is Strengthening the Competence of Managers in Islamic Educational Institutions.

This activity was attended by 43 (fourty three) students of S2 MPI, Dr. Hj. Heni Noviarita, M.Si as Vice Director of Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Dr. Sovia Mas Ayu, M.A as Head of Islamic Education Management Master Program, Dr. Junaidah, M.A as Secretary of Islamic Education Management Master Program, Dr. Oki Dermawan, M.Pd as a Lecturer of Islamic Education Management Master Program.

Dr. Mardiana Abu Bakar as the Head of Curriculum and Teaching Program NIE are warmly welcomed the arrival the members of Islamic Education Management Master Program. There were several series of events, starting with visiting Learning Centre Tour of NIE, Presentation of the Representative of Islamic Education Management Master Program Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Presentation of M.Ed Program NIE, Discussion also Question and Answer Session.

The activity starts from learning centre tour at NIE Singapore. Then, Dr. Hj. Heni as Vice Director of Postgraduate UIN RIL give a speech as the representative of Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung. She expresses her gratitude for welcoming her members at NIE Singapore.

Dr. Oki Dermawan, M.Pd Resti Andiri and Heri Risdianto as the representative from Islamic Education Management Master Program present their paper with the theme Eco Campus Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Eco Madrasah, Eco Mosque, Green Madrasah and Rubbish Management at SD IT Permata Bunda 3 Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.

The next, a brief presentasion from Dr. Mardiana Abu Bakar as the representative of NIE, she gives an information about M.Ed Program at National Institute Education (NIE) Singapore. Followed by a sharing session in the form of discussion between Islamic Education Management and NIE Singapore. There are a question and answer session to all of the participant to find out more in-depth information between the two parties.

This collaborative visit are expected to be a beginning of closer cooperation of both parties and to create the best education in each country. (TWI)