Master’s Program (S2) of Postgraduate UIN RIL goes to Academic Forum International
Thursday, October 12th, 2023, Master’s Program (S2) Islamic Family Law, Sharia Economic Lawa, and Al-Qur’an Science and Tafsir of Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung held an International Academic Forum at Universitas Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Postgraduate’s team were accepted by Dean of UTM Prof. Nasrul Hisyam bin nor Muhammad, Assistant Dean, Dr. Farhana Diana Deris, Akmaliza Abdullah, MA., Ph.D. and staff.
This activity was held in the Academic of Islamic Civilization Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UTM and was attended by 37 participants; 29 students and 8 accompanying lecturers. The agenda began with a welcoming speech from the Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities UTM. “UTM is ranked 168th in the world”, said Dean. Continued by presentation from representative of Master’s Program (S2) Islamic Family Law, Sharia Economic Law, and Al-Qur’an Science and Tafsir students. Teressa represented of Islamic Family Law, M. Agus Budiantoro represented of Sharia Economic Law , and Azmi Abdillah Agustian represented of Al-Qur’an Science and Tafsir.
M. Agus Budiantoro presents a paper entitled Analysis of Shari’a Based Village Fund Management for Community Welfare and Azmi Abdillah Agustian presents a paper with entitled The Concept of Human Glory from an Al-Qur’an Perspective (Study of the Interpretation of Surah Al-Hujurat verse 13 in Tafsir Al-Azhar). The agenda was ended with paper review from Prof. Nasrul Hisyam bin Nor Muhammad and Dr. Farhana Diana Deris.
On the same occasion, both parties also committed to further cooperation in various fields of research, teaching and community service. (TWI)