Participation of Doctoral Program Islamic Community Development (PMI) Students in the Implementation of the 21st Annual Internantional Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS)
On 20 – 23 October 2022, students of Doctoral Program (S3) Islamic Community Development, Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung held a PKL (Strengthening Field Competence) to Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara while attending the 21st Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS) 2022 which organized by the Directorate General of Islamic Education of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia at UIN Mataram. The Director of Postgraduate UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Prof. Dr. Ruslan Abdul Ghofur, M.Si and the Head of the Doctoral Program for Islamic Community Development, Dr. Hj. Rini Setiawati, M.Sos.I also accompanied the students in this activity. AICIS 2022 raised the theme “Future Religion in the G-20” with three main issues, “Digital Transformation, Knowledge Management and Social Resilience which is a response to the latest developments in discourse and the demands of contemporary Islamic studies at the national and global levels today,” said Prof. Ruslan in the core of the remarks from the Minister of Religion at the opening ceremony of AICIS 2022 in Lombok.
In the hamlet of Sasak Sade Rembitan which is famous for its traditional woven fabric industry, it becomes a place of observation for Islamic Community Development Doctoral students in carrying out their study visits. One of the woven fabric products that characterize the Sasak tribe is Songket, which is made of gold or silver threads woven with cotton or silk threads. The manufacture of woven cloth in Sade Village starts from spinning cotton into yarn. The yarn is then colored from natural dyes and woven using a loom made of wood and bamboo. The making of two meters long songket takes between two weeks and three months, depending on the complexity of the pattern.
In addition to visiting Sade Village to get know the woven fabric industry, students also took part in the Pearl Cultivation Workshop. Lombok pearls are famous marine products and typical souvenirs of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. In this workshop, students are explained the process of making pearls from beginning to the end. This activity was attended by all students and it is hoped that with the whole series of activities, students can apply their experience in developing community industries in their respective environments,” said Dr. Hj. Rini Setiawati, M, Sos.I. as the chief of the activity (AR/TWI)